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6 police units now running without chiefs

The CID, PBI and four other major police units have been functioning without chiefs for several months, leading to lacklustre performance in operations.
Insiders say some top officers are reluctant to take on leadership roles in the Police Bureau of Investigation and the Criminal Investigation Department that are investigating the murder and corruption cases against key figures of the Awami League government.
The other units without chiefs are the Industrial Police, the Tourist Police, the Highway Police, and the Special Branch.  
The sluggishness in the units is resulting from the officers’ concerns over getting sudden transfer orders and a lack of experience among officers who have joined the units during the recent reshuffle in the police force.
Senior officers of the units are looking after routine activities now, insiders said.
The PBI has been without a chief since July 19 when Banaj Kumar Majumder retired as the head of the unit.
On August 13, Tawfique Mahbub Chowdhury, an additional inspector general, was transferred from the Police Headquarters to lead the bureau. He has yet to formally take up the role.
The PBI is investigating murder cases against former prime minister Sheikh Hasina and many top leaders of the Awami League.
“A senior officer discharging the duties of the chief is holding meetings with officers who have just joined the PBI. That is why our work has lost its pace,” said an officer, requesting anonymity.
Mohammad Ali Mia was forced to retire as the head of CID on August 22. A deputy inspector general is looking after the department now.
An insider said officers now lack confidence and morale because they are concerned about getting sudden transfer orders.
“I cannot focus on my work properly because I do not know when I will be transferred. If there is a new chief, and I am told that I will not be transferred anytime soon, I will get a morale boost,” said a CID officer.
The Industrial Police has been without a chief since August 22 when Mahabubor Rahman was forced to go on retirement; the Tourist Police has been without a boss since September 2 when Mir Rezaul Alam was asked to retire; and the Highway Police has been without a chief since October 9 when Shahabuddin Khan was forced to retire.
Special Branch chief Shah Alam went on retirement on October 3.
That was also the day he was promoted to additional inspector general. He and five other officers of the 12th BCS batch got the promotions because they were “deprived” during the Awami League’s tenure.
Sources at the Police Headquarters said the five officers — Matiur Rahman Sheikh, Alamgir Alam, Delwar Hossain, Sarder Tamiz Uddin Ahmed and Abdullah Al Mahmud — may be posted as the chiefs of those units next week.
